For the first time at Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Pretoria we are having a Theatre Experience Week!
What does this mean?
Instead of going to your normal studio for your dress rehearsal - you will be going to the Masker Theatre at Tukkies!This is a wonderful opportunity for the students to get the feel of a real theatre and for those planning on studying at Tukkies it is an opportunity to visit the campus!
Students are to arrive in FULL COSTUME with MAKE UP! If the Academy is providing make up / costume please arrive 15 minutes earlier than scheduled!
Photo Shoot - every student will have their photos taken and there will be a CLASS photo!! The photos will be on sale on the day of the show. A5 photos - 1 x INDIVIDUAL 1 X CLASS = R60.00
If you are not sure of the time of your rehearsal or show please sms Juliet 0829091630 or email It is best to contact Juliet in the mornings as afternoons we are very busy with rehearsals and shows!
It was impossible for some studios to have their lessons at the Theatre - they will have their have Theatre Experience just before they perform on the weekend! They have had their photo shoot - have a look at some of the great pics from our Tuesday Beaulieu Group performing Storyland...more photos of other studios to follow over the next few weeks!